
Supersize Me

I really don't think I need buns of steel. I'd be happy with buns of cinnamon.
Ellen DeGeneres

I was blessed with an amazing metabolism in my youth. I used to eat anything and everything I wanted and never worried about gaining weight. This was, of course, until I turned 18 and went off to college. All of a sudden, I weighed more than I ever had. I attribute it to a combination of lack of dancing and no change in my diet. Since then, I've gone through spurts of being "dedicated" to getting back in shape yet it has never lasted more than about 6 months. When I recently reached my all time high of almost 190 pounds, I knew I needed to get myself back on track.

Now, I want to be sure we're all on the same page. I know "beauty is only skin deep" and "it's what's on the inside that counts". In reality, there is nothing socially wrong with being overweight. That being said, there are several reasons why I know I need to make a change. Reason #1 - none of my clothes fit. Honestly, I can't afford to buy a whole new wardrobe every time my thighs enlarge and my hips inflate. Reason #2 - my body hurts. Being an ex-ballet dancer, I'm already prone to hip and knee issues. Packing on the extra pounds has definitely increased these problems. Reason #3 - um...it's the healthy choice. I've taken my share of health classes and I've been a devout watcher of "Biggest Loser", so I know being the weight that I was would eventually lead of bigger health issues.

I feel very lucky to be married to someone who feels the same way I do. He has made it very clear that he loves me no matter what I look like, but he is definitely supportive of both of us making a change. Today, we went to the gym at his (or should I say, "our") office building and did a little workout. I can say it was not as terrible as I thought it might be, but I know I have a long way to go. My goal weight is 150, and I know it will take a lot of determination. I'm hoping by making this goal public, I'll be more likely to hold myself accountable.

So, here goes nothing!

1 comment:

madre said...

You can do it!!!