
The creation of ACJC

Shortly after we were married, my husband and I bought a second guitar to use with the game Guitar Hero. This gave us the ability to "start a band". Given our initials, it seems like a total no-brainer to call our band AC/JC, a clever play on words. When I decided to create a blog, I had intended for it to be a mutual project, somewhere that both of us would post different tid-bits to connect with our families and friends. Naturally, I thought it appropriate to use our newly created band name.
As things have progressed, this blog has really been more of a solo adventure. Maybe someday JC will hop on board and share some of his very insightful ponderings. Either way, the name is here to stay.


Music = Art

I'm sure everyone has pondered - if you had to choose, would you rather be blind or deaf? Of course, my preference would be neither, but I've begun realizing just how distraught I would be if I were to lose my sense of hearing. Specifically, I would be completely lost without music. My whole life has been filled with an appreciation for music - piano lessons at an early age, participating in different choirs and band in school, a deep connection through dance, a form of escape when life has been challenging, and truly respect for every genre. It has lead me to really explore how certain songs make me feel, and I've become somewhat fascinated with the variety of connections I feel. Let's explore these connections together, shall we?

1. Lyrical connection: There are some songs whose lyrics just speak to me. Some illicit personal connections while others seem to speak to other situations. When listening to the words of some songs, I can't help but create my own "music video" in my head with images that seem to fit the words perfectly. Whether it's something related to my own life or simply life events in general, I really associate mental images with the words. I blame this on fanvids my sister and I used to scour years ago during our obsession with The X-Files.

2. Nostalgic connection: Certain songs are strongly anchored in memories, usually a time that I had listened to the song. For example, listening to David Duchovny by Bree Sharp reminds me of riding in the car with my sister. We were on the freeway in Grants Pass, windows down, music blasting, singing along at the top of our lungs. Of course, I'll always have that memory, but there's something about listening to the song that snaps me right back to my place in the passenger's seat, bringing back the sights/sounds/feelings more than just sitting and recalling alone. The same can be said about You Shook Me All Night Long by AC/DC; this song was played at the end of (almost) every school dance in high school. Hearing this tune now brings about a smörgåsbord memories from all four years - the dresses, the friends, the nerves of trying to get the attention of my crushes. I know a lot of people look back on their high school years with disdain, but I feel lucky to have had a wonderful experience.

3. Emotional connection: When I want to melt into a relaxed state, I listen to Aqueous Transmission by Incubus. I get pumped up and energized whenever I listen to Burn it to the Ground by Nickelback. It's not necessarily the lyrics of a song that I connect with, but the music as a whole. Depending on my mood, I always know of a song that can support or change the way I'm feeling. Music really is powerful in controlling my emotions.

Music really is art - I feel very fortunate to be able to experience a wide range of connections with this type of sound. This Googled definition really sums it all up: an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner.


Home run

I have had the opportunity to live in three different states. Using the logic of "home is where your stuff is", I've actually had 24 homes in my 27 years. Of course, this includes a few transitional "homes" where my family and I lived for mere weeks at a time (3), as well as all of my dorm rooms (5) and places I lived just over the summer (3). From the time I was born to the time I graduated from college, my parents have owned/rented 7 different houses. JC and I lived in 2 different apartments in Oregon before moving to Arizona; we lived in 3 rentals before buying our own home.
This June will celebrate the beginning of our third year in our house - this is the longest I have lived in one place since I was young. Surprisingly, this lack of stability was always a bit of a comfort for me. I enjoyed the opportunity to rearrange/redecorate/reorganize every year or so, rather than feeling displaced. On the other hand, the act of moving was always less of a joy. The physical and emotional stress associated with packing everything I own into boxes, and attempting to do so in an organized manner is definitely not something I miss.
There are many places that I have felt at home - the dance studio, my classroom(s), out in the middle of nature; as cheesy as it may sound, I really feel the most at home within myself.


I'm hilarious

Question: What did the tandoori chicken say to the hummus?

Before I unleash the humor upon you, I think it would be appropriate to give a little bit of background.
First of all, I don't know if I can claim to be the creator of this joke, but I can say I didn't read it/hear it anywhere else, so it's original to me. I just find it hard to imagine that someone, somewhere hasn't already come up with it.
When JC and I first started dating, I distinctly remember a conversation we had about cheese. He made the statement, "I only eat yellow cheese", meaning he was very opposed to consuming feta, goat cheese, bleu cheese, etc. I wouldn't say he was extremely picky about what he ate, but there wasn't much in the way of branching out. Then one day, we went to Thai Orchid, which was a bit of branching out for both of us and introduced us to one of our favorite dishes. Slowly, his diet started to include all colors of cheese, more exotic flavors he always said he would never eat; at the same time, he inspired me to become much more of a red meat enthusiast and German food fan.
JC's most recent extension of palate included an appreciation for hummus. I used to buy/eat hummus on occasion and he would show absolutely no interest in it at all (more for me!). Then, when he came home with leftovers from a work-related team lunch at a local Mediterranean restaurant, he declared, "You've got to try this chicken...and the hummus is awesome!" This led to stocking our refrigerator with hummus a little more consistently and exploring different vehicles for the hummus.
This all led to one evening last week, when I was preparing a light hummus snack for us to share, I completely cracked myself up when I delivered my joke to JC - I don't know that I had him in stitches, but I like to think he expelled a bit of a chuckle at the very least.

So, what did the tandoori chicken say to the hummus?
Well, that's really naan of your business!


Dessert in the Desert

If I would have been asked to write about my favorite dessert about a year ago, it would have been very difficult to choose; however, now that I am livin' the dairy-free life, it definitely limits my choices. In general, I'm not the type of person who must have something designated as "dessert" each day. I like sweets, but I'm truly fine with not eating them. I understand the caloric ramifications of things that are filled with sugar, and it has been pretty easy for me (as an adult) to be selective about what I eat. Again, having the dairy excuse also aids in my abstinence; my body tells me I shouldn't eat it, so I guess that means I'd better pass.
That all being said, I will happily indulge from time to time in delectable, non-dairy and dairy-filled treats. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, cheesecake...delicious. I used to think I didn't like tiramisu, though a recent trip to Giuseppe's turned my world upside down. Dutch apple pie and berry cobbler - two of my pie flavors of choice. Really, I will eat pretty much anything desserty as long as it's delightful enough to be worth devouring.
But if I had to pick my favorite of all desserts, taking all of my dietary concerns into consideration, I would have to go with cookie dough coconut milk ice cream. It is smooth and silky with big chunks of cookie dough and chocolate, and it's dairy-free! There is a slight hint of coconut flavor, though not enough to be overpowering. Health-wise, it's much more reasonable than the traditional alternative. It's something I can feel less guilty about eating and it keeps my stomach happy. I definitely recommend giving it a try if you haven't already.

Did I mention cream puffs and eclairs? Mmmmmm!!!


Do the iPod Shuffle

**Note: Because my iPod does not have all of my music on it, I have opted to use Windows Media Player for this experiment. This will allow you to experience the true randomness of my musical selections. Don't judge.

1. Without You - Justincase feat. Michelle Branch
2. Circles - Strong Bad
3. Killing Me Softly - Roberta Flack (Karaoke version)
4. Alive - Jennifer Lopez
5. Edge of the Ocean - Ivy
6. Dip It Low - Christina Milian feat. Fabolous
7. Light My Candle - Rent Soundtrack (Original Broadway version)
8. I Need You Back - Ben Kweller
9. The Burn - Matchbox Twenty
10. Penny Lane - The Beatles


15 Facts

1. I want to change the world, even if it's just something small that leaves a lasting impression.
2. I love public speaking.
3. Hiking is my favorite form of exercise.
4. I wish I was artistic (i.e. drawing, painting)
5. I wake up earlier than I should.
6. I've never been a fan of swimming, but I love being around water.
7. I often reminisce about my days as an actor/dancer.
8. I'm afraid of 2012.
9. I am passionate about education.
10. I have trouble making/keeping close friends.
11. When making decisions that involve other people, I'd rather just be told what to do.
12. I love living in AZ but wish I was closer to family.
13. I thrive under pressure.
14. I am not afraid to be alone once in a while, but terrified of being alone permanently.
15. The only other country I have been to is Mexico - I'd like to change that in the very near future.

Return of the Blog

For those of you (mom) who have been checking every day for a new blog, I apologize. I started thinking about what to write and came up with all kinds of moral, professional, and personal roadblocks. I guess I felt that this really isn't the venue for "free writing" as I had originally thought it might be, and simply putting down my day-to-day activities seemed a bit boring.
Luckily, I've seen several bloggers recently, posting different "guidelines" for daily blogging topics. This list in particular was directly stolen from mi hermana (thanks, sis), and I figure it might be interesting to see our two different perspectives on the same items. So, here's what you have to look forward to...

Day 1: Post a recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.
Day 2: Put your ipod on shuffle: List the first 10 songs that play.
Day 3: Write about your favorite dessert.
Day 4: Tell a joke.
Day 5: Write about each of the places you've called "home."
Day 6: Write about an art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 7: Write about the meaning behind your blog name.
Day 8: Describe your childhood in sounds and smells.
Day 9: Write about your most embarrassing moment.
Day 10: Write about something in the last 24 hours that made you happy.
Day 11: List 10 things that you are thankful for.
Day 12: Write about your mother’s advice.
Day 13: Write about the top search engine keywords that bring people to your blog.
Day 14: Write about 5 favorite quotes.
Day 15: Write about a habit that you wish you didn’t have.
Day 16: Share your favorite recipe.
Day 17: Post an old picture and some commentary.
Day 18: List songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad.
Day 19: List 5 movies you can watch again and again.
Day 20: Cartoon yourself (using some avatar creators).
Day 21: Write about a sweet memory from your past.
Day 22: Cruise a thesaurus and pick out 10 words you like the sound of.
Day 23: List your 5 favorite TV shows and why you like them.
Day 24: Post a picture of something that makes you happy.
Day 25: Write about something you're proud of from the past few days.
Day 26: Post a picture of somewhere you've been.
Day 27: List short term goals for this month and why.
Day 28: Post (and write about) a picture of you as a child.
Day 29: Whom would want to switch lives with for one day and why?
Day 30: Write a letter to yourself. Answer it a year later.

So, we'll see how this goes!