
Hello again

"If the road is easy, you're likely going the wrong way."

Did you miss me? Sorry. I suddenly found myself wrapped up in reading as my after-work hobby. Wanna know what I'm reading? Don't worry, it will definitely be discussed!

When I was younger, I remember being a struggling reader. I didn't really enjoy reading, and I wasn't that great at it. Even in high school, I had a difficult time, especially when reading aloud. I'll never forget being picked to read in my junior English class and feeling completely mortified as I stumbled through a few sentences; to make matters worse, I remember my teacher commenting on my slow, plodding pace. When I was in college, on course to becoming a teacher, I was terrified at the thought of reading aloud to kids. I started practicing every chance I could in the "privacy" of my dorm room. Eventually, it wasn't a probably any more, and I actually began to enjoy reading aloud more than silent reading. But I learned that with the proper motivation, I can sit for hours and hours, sucked in to a great text.

When JC and I first met, I remember him talking about the Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind, describing the spectacular blend of fantasy, magic, adventure, and even romance. Even though he suggested I read them, I took one look at the 900+ novel and said, "Maybe someday." Last summer when I took a trip to Atlanta, I figured the plane ride would be a great opportunity to read this book my husband had talked about for years. Coincidentally, a TV show was in the works that would be based off the first book in the series, so I had yet another excuse to read it. Almost immediately, I was hooked. This was what I was looking for - a book that held me completely captivated, emotionally invested, and thirsty for more. Luckily, there are eleven books in the series, plus a prequel, and a new story based off the characters due out next year. Needless to say, I will have my fill of this fantastic world!

JC and I were sadly disappointed with the TV show as it strayed quite drastically from the storyline. I understand live action is very different than written word, but when characters are doing things that you know they would never do in the book, there's a problem.

I'm just happy that I found a book/many books that I can actually enjoy reading. Being a teacher, I know that not everyone is a natural-born reader. I am thankful I didn't completely give up on reading, just because it was a challenge.

1 comment:

madre said...

I've been listening to the Outlander book series on CD during my drive to work and back. It takes me out of my day, not fretting on the way in and letting the day go on the way home. I also have a book to read by my bedside. I like the feel of holding a book and turning the pages, even the smell of the pages. I'm not sure I would like a Kindle. I read somewhere that one key to happiness is to always be in the middle of a good book. I find that to be so true. There's always the anticipation of opening the book back up and finding out what's next. I once stayed up all night and read Interview With The Vampire from start to finish. The Nancy Drew series got me through some tough childhood times every day after school. Enjoy!