2. I love public speaking.
3. Hiking is my favorite form of exercise.
4. I wish I was artistic (i.e. drawing, painting)
5. I wake up earlier than I should.
6. I've never been a fan of swimming, but I love being around water.
7. I often reminisce about my days as an actor/dancer.
8. I'm afraid of 2012.
9. I am passionate about education.
10. I have trouble making/keeping close friends.
11. When making decisions that involve other people, I'd rather just be told what to do.
12. I love living in AZ but wish I was closer to family.
13. I thrive under pressure.
14. I am not afraid to be alone once in a while, but terrified of being alone permanently.
15. The only other country I have been to is Mexico - I'd like to change that in the very near future.
#9 is odd.
16. Proofreading my own work is not one of my strengths.
The original #9 kept reminding me of that scene in Mrs. Doubtfire..."I. Am. Job." "I'msorrythepositionhasbeenfilled." Hehe.
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