Question: What did the tandoori chicken say to the hummus?
Before I unleash the humor upon you, I think it would be appropriate to give a little bit of background.
First of all, I don't know if I can claim to be the creator of this joke, but I can say I didn't read it/hear it anywhere else, so it's original to me. I just find it hard to imagine that someone, somewhere hasn't already come up with it.
When JC and I first started dating, I distinctly remember a conversation we had about cheese. He made the statement, "I only eat yellow cheese", meaning he was very opposed to consuming feta, goat cheese, bleu cheese, etc. I wouldn't say he was extremely picky about what he ate, but there wasn't much in the way of branching out. Then one day, we went to
Thai Orchid, which was a bit of branching out for both of us and introduced us to one of our
favorite dishes. Slowly, his diet started to include all colors of cheese, more exotic flavors he always said he would never eat; at the same time, he inspired me to become much more of a red meat enthusiast and German food fan.
JC's most recent extension of palate included an appreciation for hummus. I used to buy/eat hummus on occasion and he would show absolutely no interest in it at all (more for me!). Then, when he came home with leftovers from a work-related team lunch at a local Mediterranean restaurant, he declared, "You've got to try this chicken...and the hummus is awesome!" This led to stocking our refrigerator with hummus a little more consistently and exploring different vehicles for the hummus.
This all led to one evening last week, when I was preparing a light hummus snack for us to share, I completely cracked myself up when I delivered my joke to JC - I don't know that I had him in stitches, but I like to think he expelled a bit of a chuckle at the very least.
So, what did the tandoori chicken say to the hummus?
Well, that's really naan of your business!